Ramsachstrasse 40, Häfelfingen
CH-4448 Läufelfingen
T +41 62 285 15 15
F +41 62 285 15 00
The hotel including gastronomy as well as bath and fitness area are open all year round.
Bad Ramsach opening hours
Hotel: 07.00 h - 24.00 h / Check-in reception staffed 24 hours a day
Restaurant: 07.00 h - 23.00 h
Bath: 08.00 h - 21.00 h
The hotel is located 2 km above Läufelfingen.
From Olten as well as Sissach you reach the Bad Ramsach Quellhotel four times daily with the BLT bus line 110 via Rümlingen or Läufelfingen. Timetable: www.sbb.ch.
Out of these times we offer our Hotel Shuttle Bus. Up to two persons we charge CHF 10. Starting from 3 persons we charge CHF 5 per person.
Mobility Ticket
On arrival, our guests receive a Mobility Ticket for public transport in the TNW area (Tarifverbund Nordwestschweiz). In order to benefit from this offer for the transfer on the day of arrival, we will send you the ticket in advance by e-mail on request.